NAG Toolbox for MATLAB®

MBMI624DDL - License Managed

Mac OS X (Intel 64 bit), MATLAB R2013a - R2014b

Installer's Note


1. Introduction

This Installer's Note is essential reading for whoever is responsible for the installation of this implementation of the NAG Toolbox for MATLAB. Please note administrative rights may be required in order to install the NAG Toolbox for MATLAB depending on where it is installed.

Your attention is drawn to the terms and conditions of the Software License Agreement regarding the use of NAG software.

2. Implementation Provided

2.1. Applicability

This implementation is a compiled, tested, ready-to-use version of the NAG Toolbox for MATLAB that is considered suitable for use on the computer systems detailed below:

hardware:             Apple Intel Mac 64-bit
operating system:     OS X 10.7 and compatible
MATLAB Version:       64-bit: 8.1 (R2013a), 8.2 (R2013b), 8.3 (R2014a)
                              8.4 (R2014b)

The system must have MATLAB installed. This product has been tested on the versions of MATLAB shown above and may work on later releases. More details may be available on the post release page (see Section 2.3).

2.2. Limitations

The following routines are not supported in this implementation: This is because these routines rely on advanced Fortran features which are not available in the version of gfortran required for compatibility with MATLAB on the Mac.

Due to changes in the MATLAB graphics system in release R2014b, some of the examples and demos shipped with this implementation (e.g. the Minimization (e04uc) demo) do not work correctly on that version of MATLAB.

2.3. Post Release Information

Please check the following URL:

for details of any new information related to the applicability or usage of this implementation.

3. Distribution Medium

The software is available to download from any of the NAG Web sites (see NAG Websites). Upon request, the software may be distributed by CD.

3.1. File Sizes

The installation requires approximately 269 MB of free space.

4. Installation

If you have downloaded the toolbox materials, double click on MBMI624DDL.dmg in Finder and then on the MBMI624DDL icon that appears. This will extract the jar files toolbox_installer.jar and license_installer.jar in addition to the files mb24.tar, in.html, lic_agr.txt and NAG_Toolbox_Installer.cfg. There will also be the folder media.

If you received the product on CD then simply insert it in your CD drive and, if necessary, mount the CD device (normally this will happen automatically). This will contain the same files as the .dmg file above.

To install the NAG Toolbox for MATLAB software, double click on toolbox_installer.jar and follow the instructions.

You will be able to choose the location under which the NAG Toolbox for MATLAB is installed.

Note that to install to the default location or for the installer to automatically update your MATLAB path and MATLAB startup script, you will need administrator privileges.

If you choose not to allow the installer to update your MATLAB path, you will have to make the changes manually.

After installation, you should ensure that the software described in Section 4.1 is present and accessible.

You should access the toolbox documentation as follows. On starting the MATLAB documentation browser you should see a link labelled Supplemental Software. Clicking on that should open a browser with the entry NAG Toolbox in the Contents list.

A quick test that the software has been correctly installed is to type a00aa at the MATLAB prompt, which should print some implementation details.

4.1. Installation Options

During the installation process, you will be asked where to install the NAG Toolbox MBMI624DDL material. By default this will be under /opt/NAG. The installer will create the directory [install_dir]/mbmi624ddl, where [install_dir] is your chosen location. Unlike NAG Toolboxes designed to work with earlier versions of MATLAB, it is recommended that you do not install this Toolbox within the MATLAB hierarchy.

The installer will detect the MATLAB versions installed in the default location (i.e. /Applications/) and one of them may be selected so that its path and script can be updated. Leave the MATLAB version unselected if you do not have sufficient privileges (via sudo or otherwise) to modify files within the MATLAB hierarchy or if you do not want this to be done automatically.

If the MATLAB path is updated during installation, the file toolbox/local/pathdef.m within the chosen MATLAB hierarchy will be modified and will have the lines:

     '[install_dir]/mbmi624ddl/toolbox/NAG/mex.maci64:', ...
     '[install_dir]/mbmi624ddl/help/toolbox/NAG:', ...
inserted. If you install a newer compatible version of MATLAB after installing the NAG Toolbox for MATLAB you may choose to reinstall the NAG Toolbox for this version.

If you choose not to have your path modified then there are a number of ways by which this may be done by hand. Search for "matlab path" in the MATLAB online help system for one method, and for pointers to several others. If updating by hand then it is essential to ensure that the directory containing the help files appears after that containing the executable files.

If your MATLAB script is modified during installation, the file bin/matlab in the MATLAB distribution will have the lines:

  # BEGIN NAG Toolbox Installation Modifications
  # END NAG Toolbox Installation Modifications
added to it. If you decide to modify your DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH by hand then a good approach is to edit the definition of LDPATH_PREFIX in the file. The main reason that this is not the approach taken by the installation script is that MATLAB allows a user to override the system-wide version with his/her own version(s) and so it is not possible reliably to install the toolbox for all users this way. The MATLAB documentation contains more information about the use of the file.

4.2. Uninstalling the Software

During the installation of the NAG Toolbox for MATLAB, a script to uninstall the software is generated. This script is placed in [install_dir]/mbmi624ddl. This should be run with sufficient privileges, e.g. using the sudo command if required.
 cd [install_dir]
 sudo cp mbmi624ddl/UNINSTALL.maci64 .
 sudo ./UNINSTALL.maci64
 sudo rm UNINSTALL.maci64
(It may not be necessary to copy the UNINSTALL.maci64 file up a level, depending on privileges, etc.) This will remove the NAG toolbox and will restore your MATLAB path and MATLAB script (if they were modified automatically).

Alternatively, you may either drag the [install_dir]/mbmi624ddl directory to the trash or from the Finder menu choose "Move to Trash" and then select "Empty Trash" from the Finder menu. Using this method, you will need to modify your MATLAB path and MATLAB script to remove references to the NAG Toolbox yourself.

4.3. License Management

The use of the NAG Toolbox is controlled by the Kusari license management system. This release of the NAG Toolbox uses version 2.2-72 of Kusari.

In order to enable the software, NAG will issue you with a license key. The license key is a simple text file containing details of the software that will be enabled.

A short term (demonstration or trial) license key contains one or more lines like the following:

MBMI624DD TRIAL 2014/12/28 "EMnxidA3oeoj0F1Yvi5ibxPjB7"  
Specifically, it has a line containing the word TRIAL. Longer term license keys must be locked to a specific computer, i.e. they will enable the software on one computer only. These license keys include the word NODE instead of the word TRIAL above.

License key request and installation is performed through the license installer (license_installer.jar). The NAG Toolbox for MATLAB Installer will launch the license installer after installing the toolbox and you will be prompted for a license key. If you do not have a license key, choose the option to generate a request form, which you can complete and send to NAG via e-mail.

Once you have obtained one of the above license keys you can enter it into the license installer (license_installer.jar). If you are an administrator, the license installer will try to save the license key in /opt/NAG/nag.key (prepending to the file if it already exists) by default. Otherwise, it will be installed in ~/nag.key but this will only be accessible for the current user. The toolbox will then validate the license at runtime.

If you need to update or change the license key after installation, we recommend that you run the license installer again.

Further details about Kusari and how it may be configured to suit your local circumstances (e.g. how to install the license key on a server) are included in the Kusari License Management documentation available from See also the Kusari FAQ:

5. Documentation

On-line documentation, accessible via the standard MATLAB help facilities, is bundled with this implementation. Please see Section 4.

6. Support from NAG

NAG will provide free support for this product for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. Beyond that period, support will continue to be provided for users who have an appropriate support agreement.

(a) NAG Technical Support Service

The NAG Technical Support Service is available for general enquiries from all users and also for technical queries from sites with an annually licensed product or support service.

The technical support desks are open during office hours, but contact is possible by email and phone (answering machine) at all times.

When contacting us, it helps us deal with your enquiry quickly if you can quote your NAG customer reference number and NAG product code (in this case MBMI624DDL).

(b) NAG Websites

The NAG websites provide information about implementation availability, descriptions of products, downloadable software, product documentation and technical reports. The NAG websites can be accessed at the following URLs:, or

(c) NAG Electronic Newsletter

If you would like to be kept up to date with news from NAG then please register to receive our free electronic newsletter, which will alert you to announcements about new products or product/service enhancements, technical tips, customer stories and NAG's event diary. You can register via one of our websites, or by contacting us at

7. User Feedback

Many factors influence the way that NAG's products and services evolve, and your ideas are invaluable in helping us to ensure that we meet your needs. If you would like to contribute to this process, we would be delighted to receive your comments. Please contact any of the NAG offices (shown below).

Appendix - Contact Addresses

Wilkinson House
Jordan Hill Road
OXFORD  OX2 8DR                         Technical Support (Europe & ROW)
United Kingdom                          email:

Tel: +44 (0)1865 511245                 Tel: +44 (0)1865 311744

801 Warrenville Road
Suite 185
Lisle, IL  60532-4332                   Technical Support (North America)
USA                                     email:

Tel: +1 630 971 2337                    Tel: +1 630 971 2337

Nihon NAG KK
Hatchobori Frontier Building 2F
Tokyo 104-0032                          Technical Support (Japan)
Japan                                   email:

Tel: +81 3 5542 6311                    Tel: +81 3 5542 6311