This Installer's Note is essential reading for whoever is responsible for the installation of this implementation of the NAG C Library. It is available together with the Users' Note (un.html) on the distribution medium.
Your attention is drawn to the terms and conditions of the Software License regarding the use of NAG software. Requests for information about the availability of other implementations must be referred to NAG.
This implementation is a compiled, tested, ready-to-use version of the NAG C Library that is considered suitable for operation on the computer systems detailed below:
hardware: Intel(R) 64 systems and compatible (including AMD64) operating system: Linux 2.6.27 (glibc-2.9) and compatible C compiler: Intel(R) C Intel(R) 64, Version 14.0.1 and compatible
The definitions and sizes of the Integer and Pointer types used in this implementation are shown in Section 3.3 of the Users' Note.
This implementation was produced at NAG Ltd., Oxford on the computing system detailed below:
hardware: Intel Xeon E5405 2.00 GHz operating system: Linux 2.6.27 Fedora release 10 (Cambridge) with glibc-2.9 C compiler: Intel C++ Compiler, Version 14.0.1 compiler options: -m64 -fexceptions -fp-model precise
This implementation has been tested with the following combinations of models, compilers and operating systems.
Model | Compiler | Linux Variant |
Intel Xeon | Intel 14.0.1 | Linux 2.6.26 (glibc 2.7) |
Intel Xeon | gcc 4.1.1 | Linux 2.6.26 (glibc 2.7) |
Intel Xeon | gcc 4.3.2 | Linux 2.6.27 (glibc 2.9) |
AMD Opteron | Intel 14.0.1 | Linux 2.6.34 (glibc 2.11) |
AMD Opteron | gcc 4.5 | Linux 2.6.34 (glibc 2.11) |
Intel Xeon | gcc 4.8.2 | Linux 3.12.7 (glibc 2.18) |
The NAG C Library, Mark 24, was compiled with the highest level of optimization that enabled the functionality provided by the library to be verified and validated (-O3).
This library has been tested using the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) and Linear Algebra PACKage (LAPACK) routines provided by NAG (see the Chapter Introductions for f07, f08 and f16 in the NAG Mark 24 Library Manual, which we will refer to as the Library Manual).
The library has also been tested with version 11.1.1 of the Intel ® Math Kernel Library for Linux (MKL) which is supplied as a part of this product (see Section 3.1). Please see the Intel website for further information about MKL (
Please check the following URL:
for details of any new information related to the applicability or usage of this implementation.
The software is available to download from any of the NAG websites (see NAG Websites under Section 5). Upon request, the software may be distributed by CD or DVD as appropriate.
|- doc -|- in.html (Installer's Note, (this document)) | |- un.html (Users' Note) | | |- libnagc_nag.a (static self-contained library | | including NAG BLAS/LAPACK) | |- (shareable self-contained library | | including NAG BLAS/LAPACK) | |- (symbolic link pointing at |- lib -| | |- libnagc_mkl.a (static library requiring | | vendor BLAS/LAPACK) | |- (shareable library requiring | | vendor BLAS/LAPACK) | |- (symbolic link pointing at | cll6i24dcl -| |- include -|- *.h | | |- source --|- ??????e.c | | |- examples -|- data ----|- ??????e.d | | |- ??????e.opt | | | |- results -|- ??????e.r | |- scripts -|- nagc_example* | |- mkl_11.1.1 -|- * (Intel Math Kernel Library) | |- rtl -|- * (Intel run-time libraries) | | |- bin -|- * (directories of binaries | | for supported platforms) |- license -|- README.TXT | |- doc -|- * (End User Guide)
libnagc_mkl.a and do not contain the NAG versions of the BLAS and LAPACK routines, apart from
dbdsqr, dgebal, dgeesx, dgemqrt, dgeqrt, dggevx, dggglm, dtpmqrt, dtpqrt, dtrsen, zgbsvx, zgemqrt, zgeqrt, zgesvd, zggev, zggevx, zhprfs, zhpsvx, zpbrfs, zpbsvx, zpprfs, zppsvx, zptsvx, zsprfs, zspsvx, zsyrfs, ztgsen, ztpmqrt, ztpqrtwhich were found to cause problems during testing.
The Intel C runtime libraries have been provided to facilitate the use of the NAG Libraries from other compilers such as gcc.
The following shows the directory/file organization of the Library Manual materials as they will be installed.
nagdoc_cl24 -|- index.html | |- examples -|- baseresults -|- *.r | |- source -|- *.c | |- data -|- *.d, *.opt | |- replaced -|- *.c | |- pdf -|- FRONTMATTER -|- copyright.pdf (NAG copyright and main | | |- manconts.html pdf page) | | |- manconts.pdf | | | |- [A00-X07] -|- *conts.pdf (chapter contents) | | |- *intro.pdf (chapter introduction) | | |- *c.pdf (routine documents) | | |- *conts.html (chapter contents (HTML)) | | | |- GENINT -|- *.pdf (general introductory material) | | | |- INDEXES -|- indexnote.pdf (reference to kwic.html) | | |- kwic.html (Keywords and GAMS Search) | | | |- INUNs -|- usersnote.pdf (implementation specific note) | | | |- styles -|- libdoc.css (CSS stylesheet) | | |- html -|- FRONTMATTER -|- manconts.html (main HTML index) | |- *.html (copyright notice) | |- [A00-X07] -|- *conts.html (chapter contents) | |- *intro.html (chapter introduction) | |- *c.html (routine documents) | |- figures -|- *.png (figures and plotfiles) | |- GENINT -|- *.html (general introductory material) | |- INDEXES -|- kwic.html (Keywords and GAMS Search) | |- styles -|- libdoc.css (CSS stylesheet) |- nagmathml.js (JavaScript)
The files require approximately the following disk space:
Library software: 1.1G Library Manual: 250 MB
If you have downloaded the Library materials from our website as a tar gzip file then navigate to the directory where the file is located and extract the installation materials using the following commands:
gunzip cll6i24dcl.tgz tar xvf cll6i24dcl.tarThis will extract the files, cl24.tar, lic_agr.txt, in.html and un.html.
If you have downloaded the Library Manual as a tar gzip file (cl24_doc.tgz) run the command
gunzip cl24_doc.tgzto extract the file cl24_doc.tar.
If you are logged in as root then by default, the materials will be installed in /opt/NAG/ or /usr/local/NAG/ depending on your system. However, you may choose a different location. In this document we refer to the directory /opt/NAG/cll6i24dcl or /usr/local/NAG/cll6i24dcl as [INSTALL_DIR]. This convention is also used in the Users' Note (un.html).
The directory [INSTALL_DIR]/scripts contains several scripts to show how to use the libraries provided with this implementation. See Users' Note, Section 3.2. Subsequent to the installation, if you move this product to some other location then these scripts must be changed to reflect that fact.
Each library is provided in both static and shareable format. You also have a choice of libraries; self-contained libraries which use NAG supplied BLAS and LAPACK or libraries which require the use of vendor supplied BLAS and LAPACK.
To simplify access to the libraries you may wish to create symbolic links in a system location such as /usr/lib pointing at the installed libraries. They would then be in the default search path of the linker during the link phase, and be available for execution at run time (in the case of shareable libraries). Note that if both the static and shareable version of a library are placed in a directory then the shareable version is usually used by default.
The include files should be moved to a directory such as /usr/include so that they can be accessed during compilation, e.g.
mv include/*.h /usr/include
The install script can install the Library Manual in the same location as the NAG Library material or at some other location of your choice.
You may wish to move the Library Manual to the same location as that for other NAG products. You are encouraged to make it readily available to users.
In order to enable the software, NAG will issue you with a license key. The license key is contained in a text file consisting of details of the software that will be enabled.
To request a license key, run the program khostid located in the license/bin/linux_x64/ subdirectory of the software distribution. This utility must be run from a command prompt. Return the information that it displays, together with the product code (in this case CLL6I24DCL), by email to NAG. Alternatively, direct the output from this utility to a file and send both the file and the product code to NAG.
A short term (demonstration or trial) license key contains one or more lines like the following:
CLL6I24DC TRIAL 2013/11/12 "EMnxidA3oeoj0F1Yvi5ibxPjB7"Specifically, it has a line containing the word TRIAL. Longer term license keys must be locked to a specific computer, i.e. they will enable the software on one computer only. These license keys include the word NODE instead of the word TRIAL above.
Once you have obtained one of the above license keys, the easiest way to install it is to store the text in a file,
/usr/local/NAG/nag.keyThe license software in this implementation automatically looks for these particular files and reads the first one found, so no other action is necessary. Alternatively, store the license in a file with a name and location of your choice, say,
[INSTALL_DIR]/license.lic.The location of the license file, if it is not one of the default places listed above, must be made known to the NAG application by setting the environment variable NAG_KUSARI_FILE to the full pathname of the file before the application is invoked.
For example, in the C-shell, type:
setenv NAG_KUSARI_FILE [INSTALL_DIR]/license.licor in the Bourne shell, type:
Further details about Kusari and how it may be configured to suit your local circumstances (e.g. how to install the license key on a server) are included in the Kusari License Management documentation in the license/doc/ subdirectory of the software distribution. See also the Kusari FAQ:
The following material should also be made accessible to users:
documentation files:
The nagdoc_cl24 directory contains the Library Manual.
compiled libraries:
libnagc_nag.a (symbolic link pointing at libnagc_mkl.a (symbolic link pointing at MKL libraries supplied by NAG Intel run-time libraries supplied by NAGinclude files:
include/*.hexample program material:
examples/source/??????e.c examples/data/??????e.d examples/data/??????e.opt examples/results/??????e.r scripts/nagc_example*
Note that the example material has been adapted, if necessary, from that published in the Library Manual, so that programs are suitable for execution with this implementation with no further changes (but see Section 3.2 of the Users' Note for comments about possible differences in results obtained). Making the example material directly available to users provides them with easily adaptable templates for their own problems.
The NAG Technical Support Service is available for general enquiries from all users and also for technical queries from sites with an annually licensed product or support service.
The technical support desks are open during office hours, but contact is possible by email and phone (answering machine) at all times.
When contacting us, it helps us deal with your enquiry quickly if you can quote your NAG customer reference number and NAG product code (in this case CLL6I24DCL).
The NAG websites provide information about implementation availability, descriptions of products, downloadable software, product documentation and technical reports. The NAG websites can be accessed at the following URLs:
NAG Ltd Wilkinson House Jordan Hill Road OXFORD OX2 8DR Technical Support (Europe & ROW) United Kingdom email: Tel: +44 (0)1865 511245 Tel: +44 (0)1865 311744 NAG Inc 801 Warrenville Road Suite 185 Lisle, IL 60532-4332 Technical Support (North America) USA email: Tel: +1 630 971 2337 Tel: +1 630 971 2337 Nihon NAG KK Hatchobori Frontier Building 2F 4-9-9 Hatchobori Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0032 Technical Support (Japan) Japan email: Tel: +81 3 5542 6311 Tel: +81 3 5542 6311 NAG Taiwan Branch Office 5F.-5, No.36, Sec.3 Minsheng E. Rd. Taipei City 10480 Technical Support (Greater China) Taiwan email: Tel: +886 2 25093288 Tel: +886 2 25093288